relevant cu sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociolog

linkuri sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociology sociolog

  • Institute de cercetare in sociologie

    Str. Schitu Magureanu, nr.1, etaj 5, sala 1, sector 5, Bucuresti tel.: 021-3126618. CENTER FOR URBAN AND RURAL SOCIOLOGY. St. Tudor Arghezi, nr.21, ...

    educatie si stiinta / institute de cercetare

  • Observatorio de la Infancia > Comisia pentru protecţia copilului

    (KudoZ) Spanish to Romanian translation of Observatorio de la Infancia: Comisia pentru protecţia copilului [Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.

    societate / protectia copilului

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