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Spectacol la Teatrul de Operetă Ion Dacian din Bucureşti. Sâmbătă 24 noiembrie 2001 Fundaţia pentru Protecţia Animalelor VIER PFOTEN a organizat, ...
societate / protectia animalelor
Si in acest week-end cea mai frumoasa sala din Bucuresti va asteapta cu filme pe care nu le .... body {margin:8px} .tr-field {font:normal x-small arial}
divertisment / cinema
Gambler Insight provides accurate information on the field of gambling. It covers all the major gambling subjects, such as poker, casino, sports betting and forex trading. This is the starting point for everyone who wants to gamble online.
divertisment / timp liber
MOTTO: Build it and they will come! Kevin Costner, 1994, "Field of Dreams"
turism / despre romania turistica